Panui - Lastest events and kaupapa
Yoga Nidra Classes with Claudette Collis
A FREE 10 week Yoga Nidra wānanga is offered to the community.
The sessions are held at our whare (8-12 Main Road Uawa), everyone Monday from 23rd September until 11 November.
No registrations needed, please just come along! Naumai, haere mai!

Te Aho o Titirangi -
Rangatahi Wananga
Announcing one of our new programmes, Te Aho o Titirangi! This kaupapa looks to grow our next generation, from ages 12 - 17 year olds.
Te Aho o Titirangi is a series of short wananga that focuses on the aspirations of taiohi, strengthening matauranga a Hauiti, a iwi through pathways of oranga, mana motuhake, whakapapa, whanaungatanga, kaitiakitanga - and more!
If you're looking for something different, centred specifically around, and for your taiohi, contact us today to register or request further information.
There are 3 wānanga each year during the school term holidays.
For more information contact the office.

Te Huapae - Toi Maori, Toi Ora, Toi Hauiti
In July we launched a new initiative to wrap around the space of embracing toi Maori and wa oranga. This kaupapa included the resetting of our workspace and transformation into a community space to support our local creatives. We unveiled this reframed space with an exhibition of local established and emerging artists who whakapapa to Te Aitanga a Hauiti and who live within our rohe.
This exhibition offered a platform of reflection, reframing and resetting of visions for future for our creatives within Te Aitanga a Hauiti and the Uawa community.
A feature of this kaupapa is to also provide a space for succession planning, bringing together established, with emerging artists, including rangatahi to support and nurture future creative pathways. Te Huapae also raises awareness of healing. Healing through toi - Toi Māori, Toi Ora, Toi Hauiti.
Exhibitions will be held throughout the year, interweaving our programme, events and kaupapa.
Please contact the office for more information.
Ka tipu te whaihanga e hika ki Uawa!
Ka tipu te hauora e hika ki Uawa!