Our Kaupapa

Our Vision - Ka tipu te Hauora e hika ki Uawa!

Ka tipu te hauora e hika ki Uawa revisits the legacy of Hingangaroa, who lived in Ūawa around the 16th century and who set up the whare wananga, Te Rawheoro, renowned for its knowledge and teaching of the arts, particularly whakairo. This was a time of cultural prosperity and innovation in Uawa.

Our Plan

Our plan focuses on re-setting foundations with the intention of transforming, in a positive way, attitudes, behaviours, and conditions, that impact our wellbeing. It reflects our belief in Hauiti and Uawa, its people and place; and that what we need to lead healthy, safe, and wise lives already exists in our own backyard.

Within this context our task is to empower and enable whānau to improve, take ownership of, and increase control over, their health and wellbeing. Our approach will promote living and breathing local and the notion that duty for first care belongs at home with us, in the whare, and within a community that values its own.

Our Values

Our values are anchored in our culture, local matauranga, and way of life. They underpin our organisational systems, guide our behaviour, and inform our practice. These are:

  • Mana Whakapapa
    Identity, language, and culture are the core source of wellbeing.

  • Mana Whanau
    Responsibility and ownership for our actions and choices.

  • Mana Tangata
    Active and positive contribution as citizens of Hauiti, Uawa, Tairawhiti, Aotearoa, Te Ao!

  • Mana Whenua
    Wise administration and protection of iwi and hapu resources.

  • Mana Motuhake
    Acting for, by, and with Hauiti whānau!


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