Need a change to make a change?  

We've collaborated with the awesome team at The Centre for Health to deliver a unique customised healthy lifestyle change kaupapa called Kai ā Nuku ki Hauiti Hauora!

Kai ā nuku is a 13 week plant-centred programme. It focusses on changing the narrative of whānau wellbeing, supporting whānau to make healthier choices and build long term pathways to flourish our wellbeing. In this instance, looking at the kai we put into our tinana, to help build and strengthen our Hauora. We aim to support long term changes to benefit your wellbeing. This isn’t a short term fix. 

This programme while developed by the CfH, the programme has been customised to suit the locality of our organisation and whānau.

Plant-centered means we eat meals mostly cooked/made with plants. To wean into the programme we don’t exclude meat, breads or diary 100%. You can eat chicken or fish to help break the boredom of veges.

Lastly, there is no fee to join Kai ā Nuku ki Hauiti Hauora, only a commitment and investment of your time to the programme, your whānau and our community! Karawhiua e te whānau! If you're interested, contact our office today to see when our next programme starts.


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